Is it normal to have this confusion?

Inviata da Lana25 · 21 mar 2023 Autorealizzazione e orientamento personale

Hello, I am a 25 year old female. For the last year I had anxiety but when I realized it was a little bit late, I did not pay attention from the beginning. I cannot say that something particularly bothers me. I do not have family, relationships or work problems...
I would say that I have an existential crisis connected to my future. Many changes are happening at the same time and I have a burn out.
I was studying at university, working and attending another course at the same time. I have just graduated, I am satisfied by myself, by some standards that are in society I can be considered as someone who is successful for her age, I have a beautiful family and love life. But I am always questioning myself (probably normal?), my future, my work-study related things. I was studying psychology (bachelor), now I do not know if I want to start a master at uni or another program yet, also I am moving to another country soon to live with my boyfriend after having a long distance relationship, so I am happy and scared. I work but my work is not completely connected to my studies. I need to develop as a professional and I need to work to have money too. I feel like my life is a little bit messy now. I do not know how to start organizing my life. I am not a sad person, but I am not calm right now, while normally I am quite calm. Is it age problems, period, decisions? I have tried psychotherapy before and I can say I know myself but now It is too confusing.

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Miglior risposta 30 MAR 2023

Good morning,

in this moment of great difficulty it would be appropriate to return to therapy. it could serve her in being able to better orient herself with respect to her future by deepening her desires but also her fears. Think about it.

Best regards
Dott. Ferrara Dott.ssa Simeoli

Dott. Ferrara e Dott.ssa Simeoli Psicologo a Quarto

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22 MAR 2023

Ciao, capisco che tu stia attraversando un momento di grande confusione e incertezza sulla tua vita e sul tuo futuro. È normale che dopo aver affrontato una serie di cambiamenti importanti, come la laurea, il lavoro e la relazione a distanza, tu possa sentirti sopraffatta e confusa. Inoltre, il fatto di dover prendere decisioni importanti sulla tua formazione e sul tuo lavoro può aumentare la tua ansia e il tuo senso di incertezza. La terapia individuale potrebbe essere una risorsa utile per supportarti in questo periodo di transizione e di cambiamento. Potrebbe aiutarti ad esplorare i tuoi pensieri e le tue emozioni, e darti gli strumenti per gestire la tua ansia e il tuo stress. Potrebbe anche aiutarti a lavorare sulla tua autostima e sulla tua sicurezza, in modo che tu possa sentirti più forte e pronta a far fronte alle sfide che ti attendono. È importante che tu ti prenda cura di te stessa e delle tue necessità, e che tu agisca sempre in modo da garantire il tuo benessere mentale e fisico.

Dott.ssa Nicoleta Senni Pop-Span Psicologo a Asti

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